Change your mind, it will astound you ! Marvel at the diversity of human expression, all have a gift for you. What really happens when our attitude shifts? We perceive the world as our playground and a classroom, it is not gifted to us as a battlefield ! We learn and grow more through play and joy.
Consciousness / awareness expands ! We Thrive, Filled with Joy and fulfilment.We are empowered and empowering. Our victimhood disappears. Misery & Self-pity gone, There is ease of being, all struggle disappears.
We become responsible and attain ownership on our thoughts and actions. We are more compassionate, Forgiving, Letting go of anger and past hurt.
We marvel in others successes ! Envy gone ! Celebrating all human expression. Generosity of being becomes second nature.
Tolerance, Acceptance & Equanimity is natural and prevalent
We experience real knowing that there is infinite abundance, more than enough for all
When we see ALL as an expression of us, of the ONE, there is no separation, There is only LOVE !
Take in the view, smell the air, stop and smell the flowers en route. “People-watch”, open your heart to all. Send Love even to those who press all your buttons and you “know” you are “right” blah blah blah.
Every action, as little as a smile to a stranger, is another drop of love in the pool of blissful new world ! Do it ! Contribute to creating an amazing world. Your “drop” in the oceanic bliss DOES makes a huge difference.
Your duty is to simply receive the abundance showered upon you by existence. It always supports you.
Live the Life You Love, Live Out Loud & THRIVE !