We cannot comprehend the vastness of the spiritual realms by mental Mind F…ing. It is a visceral lived experience in the body. “A finite mind can’t understand an infinite being. In fact, the longest distance in the Universe is from the head to the heart. You must know the spirit world through experience. “ Blackwolf Jones, Ojibway

We can send a space shuttle to Saturn, yet we struggle looking into our own hearts to the truth of our being. Spirit / Divine talks to us through our senses. After all we are made i the image of the ONE !

The concentration of our pleasure senses are in our erogenous zones, in each hair follicle, i our gut there are thousands more Serotonin Neurotransmitter then in our brains!

Listen to your body, Listen to divine spirit talks trough you. Trust and enjoy your life. You are meant to THRIVE !

Live the Life U Love and Thrive !

Image may contain: night, sky and cloud