קריאה = The Calling. “Emerging” is how we create our reality/worlds a new. The Work working through us. The work wanting to emerge through and we surrender to the process (or resist and suffer procrastination /self doubt/ lack of worthiness etc). An apple tree yearning to emerge from the seed that it is latent inside. In the nourishing environments that are conducive to its emergence, it will grow and flourish, occurring as if by magic. נביעה = Emanating / Welling Up from Within , קריאה = The Calling”
The tree receives nourishment from the environment the sun light water, earth and air, though it does not deplete the resources. In fact it contributes and create more then there was before.
Giving the fruit for all to enjoy and benefit is the blessing upon the earth for all A tree does not discriminate, it simply abounds to all who will receive.
The tree is in perfect potential state whole and complete within the seed, waiting for the “right” conditions to emerge and fulfil its purpose and abound. This process of “emerging” from the within, growing and benefiting the whole. IT is our innate nature.
The tree is not “God” or “bad” it is perfectly “treeying”. Dormant with all potentiality waiting to emerge. When it surrenders to the process of transforming states it fulfils its calling and abounds
Transforming states of being / consciousness / intentionality, is what propels us from moving from one state to the other. From a state of “wanting” (which perpetuates lack off) into the state of “having”. We move our states of consciousness and take the action that correlates to the having the desire.
Simple example would be a state of wanting a drink to quench thirst. Wanting a drink of water/juice etc does not produce a result. Doing something about it, taking action will. Either communicating the desire will result in tn he having / receiving the desired outcome, or taking the action of taking the drink, helping yourself to the water/juice etc. Seems obvious with simple examples, though the same applies to major decisions and choosing.
When we experience a collapsed state of being in a depression, moving the body and nourishing the mind will lift the mood and transform the state of depression. Dancing singing, laughing, watching silly films, being silly – “Monkey businessmen” will get us out of the “monkey brain” – the drama loving mind set, and return us back into the joy and innocence of being.
What is it that you desire to Be/Do/Have ? If it is “Too big” then what smaller manageable steps are you willing to commit to take to make this reality come into your experience ?
As all potentiality exists simultaneously, (in Quantum physics and spirituality), your “reality” that you are aware off is experienced on “one” dimension. As if you are looking through one lens telescope, focusing on one possibility.
We know there are infinite possibilities and other dimensions we are not conspicuousness aware off / experiencing it/them. Your experience is only one dimension, blindsiding consciously other potentialities.
Focusing the mind in meditation and taking the actions to your desired outcome, will “alter” our “reality”. Thus you WILL EXPERIENCE new results !
We are Human Spiritual – receiving nourishment from the heavens nourishing our soul.
We abound our fruit on planet earth for all to enjoy. If you withhold our gifts, we withhold our liveliness or purpose. We are meant to thrive, abound and expand benefiting ALL. Otherwise energy will collapse into itself destruct and implode.
Are you a Supernova allowing yourself to expand and create new worlds and realities, or a Black-hole sucking the life out of everything. You can reverse the process consciously It is a choice to create worlds.
Our purpose / calling is to benefit Human-Unity and the (alluring illusory concept of the) “self” to be grounded in reality ! touching the earth and being conscious of what is around right here right now. This is precious, This is all there is.
We are “Co-Creating” this into existence: When a desire, a longing for something emanates, it comes into existence due to the pull of creation that emerges from the collective consciousness, the collective desires for a solution or teaching.
When a desire/hunger for teaching or technological solution exists, then the “invention” occurs, at times as if by magic.
The “Morphic Resonance”, where people across the globe simultaneously create same solution occurs. When the need becomes a strong desire/pull to create a solution for a technological or spiritual evolution, the people who are “pulling” creating this are the co-creators with the people “inventing” the “solution”.
If there was no desire/“need”, there would be no result. A product or a thesis exists as there is a need, a calling for this. You, the person receiving the benefits, are the co-creator of the invention ! It is thanks to your hunger and seeking that all exists. It exists because you are ready and these come into existence, thus you have co-created this !
As You think, You create. Remember you are instrument of the Divine, you are creating for the benefit of ALL.