Language of Tantric Love

The invitation: 

What is Your Love Language?

Day 6 Practices:

1. Tantric date: ( 60 Minutes +)

Make a Tantric date with your beloved. Prepare the menu to feast the senses. 

Choose 1 to 3 of the practices shared prior. Dress to honour the God/dess & self. 

2. Acknowledge: (1 Minute +)

Express your appreciation, valuing, and affection. Write / tell them. Gift them a gesture of Love. 

3. Affirmation / Mantra: (2 minutes +)

AHAVA = Love = אהבה

Breathing in silent sound: Ah, Exhale: Ha, Inhale: Va, Exhale: Ha

Ah = א for Infinity : Achvah & Ein Sof = אחווה / אינפיניטי = אין-סוף

Ha = ה for BEING = Havaya = הוויה & Understanding = Havana = הבנה 

Va = ב for Wisdom = Bina & Building = Bniya = בניה 

Ha = ה = Halacha = Spiritual conduct law = הלכה  & Promiss = Havtacha = הבטחה 


Do share with us your love success email 

Enjoy the journey and Thrive, Rising in Love.

Love and Blessings. Namaste

Hanna Tantra Coach