Spiritual Tantric Cookery

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Tantric Cookery for the Mind, Body & Soul

Secret Recipes to Enchant Your Beloved

Cost: £180 this includes cooking ingredients 

Learn to cook Tantrically, secret recopies other Tantric secrets

Workshop is a practical, hands on cooking event like you have never experienced before. 

Fun packed, full of Tanric transmissions

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“Cooking from a tantric perspective is union with the divine.  As Hannah lays out in all its glorious manifestations; with love, care and ceremony – Food becomes the nectar of the Gods.” Alan Steinfeld

“Food to die for!” Fritz Curzon Photographer

Totally Awesome, mind-blowing, ecstatic, has been such a very profound

life changing experience with some truly amazing moments of insight…

and the food, the food was Divine…” NI

“Her food is cooked with love, and her secret ingredients include

singing and mantras. To find out more about the magical secret

ingredients, you’ll have to buy this book! But I can reveal that

her book will strip away the layers covering hidden esoteric


You may not always get the allusions, or appreciate the taste in

word-play, but loved ones will definitely appreciate the love play

that goes into these recipes. If you get the magic right, you can

enchant your Beloved with these delectable dishes!” Cassandra Lorius MA, PGDip


“Cooking with Hannah will offer you some fabulous wisdom.  You will taste the honey of the nectar and explore the sensuality of divine sensations.  She nourishes her readers, friends and family.  Food will never taste the same again. Hannah knows how to feed your heart and soul.  Eat your way up the chakras until you are enlightened; regurgitate your essence out of the crown and awaken into a newrealities. Her secret ingredients are special Sanskrit chants, that  vibrate into every creation.  With mantra, yantra and tantra cooking brings you to Nirviana. Devour it in bliss. Digest it all in Satori.  The only condiments you need are love, as the heart felt appreciation for existence. 

To find out more about the magical secret ingredients, read through every chapter and savor every word.  The door to the kingdom could lay in your mouth, what better way is there to realise the alchemy of creation that is within us.   Feed yourself as the beloved that exist besides you and inside you.  The body is your sacred temple and there is no better way to honor that than with her Spiritual Tantric Cookery, suck it up and enjoy.

by Alan Steinfeld, founder New Realities


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