Fun yet profound methods. A gift of life & Love to yourself and your loved ones. A Special evening comprises of Playful Connecting With Others, Dance, Meditations, Rituals, Breathwork, Movement, Yoga, Exercises, Mantras, Lots of Fun, Joy & Much More. There is NO explicit sexual activity. Suitable To All. Limited Spaces, Booking via website only!
You Will Learn & Experience:
Becoming Ecstatic
Taste Bliss & Playfulness
Experience Profound Joy & Fulfilment
Liberate & Expand Your whole Being Orgasmic States
Harness, Transform, Integrate & Assimilate Raw Sexual Energy into Refined Expression of Love & Spirituality
Embody The Divine Becoming The God/dess
Playfully Engage with Other Gods/Goddesses
Balance & Harmonise The Masculine/Feminine Energies Within Us
Connect Deeply With Others
Create Healing & Wellbeing
Enhance Your Life.
Accomplish Your True Desires in Life
Redefine & Create Your Life & Clear/Transform Karma
Manifest your Unique Expression in This Life
Hanna Tantra has been leading tantra workshops globally since 1998.
£30 per person / £40 per couple or bring a friend
Tantra is the Yoga of Relationships & Intimacy, with Ourselves and the Love Partner
Empowering and Liberating People to Thrive in Every Aspect of Life !
Enhancing Intimacy into Divine Communion, Creating Soul-Mates
Embodied Spirituality, Integrating Sensuality & Spirituality
Become Multi-Orgasmic In All Aspects Of Your Life
Experience Tantric Bliss, Ecstasy & Intimacy !
Transform Your Life & Relationships
The Gift of Love
Celebrating Life &
Honouring Sacred Sensuality
Honouring the Divine within Us
through Our Body & Senses & Love
See you there ! Namaste
Hanna’s Team
Please note: This one of a 10 session series, it is encouraged that you commit to all 10 as each one will build on the other, and will be closed to new members by February. There is a discount for booking all 10 at once. The dates of the full series are January 14th, January 21st, January 28th, 4th February, 11th February, 18th February, 25th February, 4th March, 11th March & 18th March