The wisest story, heard it from my Tibetan, Hindu, Sufi and Kabbalist teachers, many years ago: Here is my nuance:
God (which has no gender) asked the Helpers: “ Where can I hide from Mankind ? Humanity is trying to capture me and destroy my essence!” One helper spoke confidently: “Hide in the Himalayas, Man shall never find you there”.
God thought about it and replied: “ One day man will create warm cloths and shoes, breathing apparatus, climb up my mountain (stick a cocandcool vending machine en route), and destroy my essence”.
Another helper said: “ Hide in the depth of the sea, Man shall never find you there”. God thought about it and said: “One day, man will build big fish of metal, come down into my depth, seek me sonically, capture me on film, collect me, bring me up to the surface and destroy my essence”.
A third helper said: “Hide on the moon! man shall never reach you there” God thought about it and said: “One day, man will build great big metal birds, fly to me, land on me, (stick flags in me, play golf on me), take me in samples and destroy my essence”.
A fourth helper said: “ Hide in the heart of man, he shall never think to look in there !”
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Deeply rooted in the heart of man is the ONE “i”.
Love the Life You Live, Live the Life You Love & THRIVE ! Namaste