What on Earth !?! or rather What’s in our Oceans ? We know ore about the planets and stars then the depth of our oceans.
There are more courses about communicating with the dead, yet we do not master communicating with our fellow Humans !

The depth of our sea shades light to life on other planets. The capacity in which we are willing to listen to a different point of view, to stand and even “argue”=reasoning the opposite of what we “believe” in will actually create more harmony !

Tibetans monks practice reasoning and presenting both sides of “agreement” as they jump from one side of the line to the other, until integration and acceptance and No-Thingness has been reached.
Bliss descending upon us with integration and acceptance. Love, Tranquillity and Equanimity is our birthright !
Being present in this moment wherever you are, in this life time, this reality, honouring all sentient beings. What a wonderful magical world we have and create.
When all parts of ourselves are integrated then we grow and evolve, so it is with our planet, Human-Unity will create far better world then when we are divided. Start with ourselves, our family and friends.
Live Out Loud, Love the Life U Love ! Unite and Thrive !