Tiramisu – Tireeh Mi Zu = in Hebrew meaning: Look, see who is she ! ? ! תירא-מי-זו.  One of my most favourite dishes I share in my Spiritual Tantric Cookery book is Tiramisu prepared Tantrically. One of the secret ingredients in Tantric Cookery is Intention, the second secret is the blessings / Mantras / Prayers chanted or whispered whilst cooking Tantrically. It is liken to Magic spells. The combinations of all the secret Tantric ingredients is highly potent. There are a few more, Lets stay with the most important and basic ones for this share:

This is a fun and easy way to start your tantric journey. It will spice up your love life, Impress your friends, Enchant your beloved and much more….The intentions you put into food, will be multiplied. What we think about we attract into our lives, so choose your thoughts carefully and this will change how you feel and perceive the world. What you wish upon others, you will receive many times over. Enjoy conscious cooking: you have the power to affect the world

A few years back I was teaching two ladies to prepare Tantric Tiramisu for a party. “D” a young lady pure at heart, spiritual with a rare quality of innocence. “C” is an experienced lady with Wiccan background. D & C chose their blessings they held in their hearts and chanted whilst preparing the delicacies. Same ingredients, quantities and at the time, standing side by side.D concentrated on the word / Mantra: “ LOVE”. C did her “black magic”. The two main dishes they prepared under close supervision by me, my “Divine Bread” and the Tantric Tiramisu were proof of this magic. The bread D made was beautifully risen and tasted divine, C’s did not rise and was composted. D’s Tiramisu and mine was devoured without a crumb left, where C;s Tiramisu was the only dish left untouched ! The proof is in the Tiramisu:

First Secret Ingredient:  Intention: the energy of our intention. When we are unhappy or angry and we cook, the food may taste sour, whereas when we

cook with love or passion, we bring more life into the ingredients.

Said with a prayer or a blessing, your creations will alchemically transform into divine food, nourishing the souls and bodies of the divine beings you are honouring. When you prepare a feast of honouring with awareness, it is more than just food, it can . Divine Communion is when heart, minds and sex meet, where you both become One, making love with your minds and souls, every part of the body participating in this celebration of the . . senses.elevate the experience to Divine communion with your love partner..

. Bon Appetit. BETEAVON ! בתאבון

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