“It was amazing to come to your session last night! So outside of my comfort zone, so unlike anything I have done really… My soul got a lot though. I was restored to love which was beautiful and was able to let go of some hurt I was holding in my relationships – I heard in what you said about being the “wounded feminine” versus the “divine feminine,” that I am not defined by my perceived wounds and later, that nothing, and that is absolutely nothing can diminish me as love. Thank you so much for your generosity of spirit. I feel so restored this morning, even though Kali was at her best last night, and ripped away the illusion that stood between me and a potential lover – at first I was shocked to discover who is being out in the world….and this morning, I laughed my head off. It was beautiful to drop it being about me and to see the ironic humour in its timing and in his misconception of himself as less than divine! I love this work so much…”