Energy & Transcendence like nothing before, S2xier & love bonding by Se%ology Dr.
S£xology Dr. testimonial: “On our first session I experienced emotions energy & Transcendence like nothing before & felt s@xier. The joining of my partner energy & my energy felt like a circle of love bonding & appreciation.”
The full version: “Dear Hanna, I was looking for Tantra teacher for 20 yrs. I run into you 13 years ago & it was instant connection. I realized I found The One. The one I was looking for. It took another 7years, When the students are ready the teacher arrive. You did ! As a Dr. of Human S£xuality I’ve been around the world of er@tica, s£x, s£xuality for more than 20 years from different angles of this amazing fascinating world. On our first session I experienced emotions energy & Transcendence like nothing before. I cried I laughed I org@smed & felt s£xier. The joining of my partner energy & my energy felt like a circle of love bonding & appreciation. You are an amazing Goddess teacher with lots of knowledge information & intuition. We are both waiting to our next session with you. Thank you S@xPert. You Rock!” Dr. Iris Bettan, USA 10/11/20
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