Invitation: Play at being the “Statues Of Love”. A new form of communication, interweaving expression of Love, as it you are “posing” for a “celestial photo” as the God/dess. 

Erotic Sculptures Tour Of Khajuraho in A-296, Okhala Phase - 1, New Delhi, Friends Holiday | ID: 69684771481 Statues of Love: Be the “Living Breathing Statues of love”. A new form of communication, as it you are making love in slow motion, whilst standing holding position. Invite your beloved, as how to move, compliment & interlock each other, holding a position, as if they are “posing” for a celestial “photograph” of a physical interlocking expression of Love.

The body has wisdom & memories beyond our conscious mind interference. How can you support each other, what positions can you intertwin together.

2 Couples Isometrics: Spiritual “Structural Engineering”:

Stretching makes more space, while supporting the beloved. Find the “0” point of balance. Hand squeeze indicate when to change “state”.

Tantra is Liberation through Expansion. Stretch,  make more physical space, enabling ease of flow & contain more energy.

  1. Stretching holding each other arms linked. Leaning back, Arms linked stretch. (individuals stretch practice can be done holding on to a securely  FIXED kitchen cabinet or similar)
  2. Hold at the waist of the beloved and base chakras connected, lean back and open all chakras.
  3. Arms linked, bend down TOGETHER, leaning back & pulling straightening up together.
  4. “Joined at the Hip” Side by Side, Outer leg stretched out. Inner arms holding onto each other, as you bend from the hip sideways, the “outer” arm is stretched out, pulling you opposite directions, as if you are “fanning out”. Change direction.
  5. Rishi isometrics for vital health & stamina see:
  6. 5 Tibetans (13 + Secrets) for rejuvenation postures & vibrancy see:

Khajuraho Temples are more than just erotic; here are some interesting facts | Times of India Travel3 Affirmation / Mantra: (2 minute to Infinity)

Honouring the “Primal” Ultimate Teacher, Opening our Being & Protection Mantra:

“Aad Guray Nameh” – I bow in honour of the Ultimate Primal Universal Wisdom Guru / teacher that you are to me. Movement: Opening hands at the Solar plexus to receive them emotionally.

“Jugaad Guray Nameh” –  I bow in honour of the Ultimate Primal Universal Wisdom Guru / teacher of the ages. Movement: Opening hands at the Heart Chakra to receive them with unconditional Love. (In Hebrew it sounds as תשוקת גורי נמר = Tshukat Gurei Namer = Passion of Tiger Calves Babies)

“Sat Guray Nameh” – I bow in honour of the Ultimate Primal Universal Wisdom Guru / teacher the One True “master”. Movement: Opening hands at the Throat Chakra to receive their Truth, hearing them.

“Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh” – I bow in honour of the Ultimate Primal Universal Wisdom Guru / teacher the the Inner Guru that you mirror to me: that you are me, I am you, We are One, always have been, always will be. Movement: Opening hands at 3rd eye, Crown and Heart, * Siri – opening the 3rd Eye Chakra to really SEE them. ** Guru – opening the Crown Chakra to really acknowledge them as yourself. *** Deveh – “I am You, You Are Me”. **** Nameh – Namaste, I honour & salute your divinity.

Amazing version by Snatam Kaur: Aad Guray Nameh 


Enjoy the journey and Thrive.

Love and Blessings. Namaste

Hanna Tantra Coach, Day 54 Tantra Love Challenge

#Love, #Tantra, #Meditation, #Couple, #Relationship , #chakra, #energy, #healing, #mantra, #breath,#yoga, #spiritual, #secret, #thrive #rishiisometric, #5tibetans, #snatamkaur, #aadgure