The invitation:
1:Spice Up Love/Life (1 minute to Eternity & beyond! )
“One of the secret ingredients in Tantric Cookery is Intention, the second secret is the blessings / Mantras / Prayers chanted or whispered whilst cooking Tantrically. It is liken to Magic spells. The combinations of all the secret Tantric ingredients is highly potent.
This is a fun and easy way to start your tantric journey. It will spice up your love life, Impress your friends, Enchant your beloved and much more….The intentions you put into food, will be multiplied. What we think about we attract into our lives, so choose your thoughts carefully and this will change how you feel and perceive the world. What you wish upon others, you will receive many times over. Enjoy conscious cooking: you have the power to affect the world” (Extract from Spiritual Cookery – Naked Tantric Chef: Secret Recipes to Enchant Your Beloved by Hanna Tantra Katz. book link below )
For free Tantric recipes, email us:
2 Super Charged Magic Spell! : Whisper during supercharged union/meditation, intend it to be “written” in fire emanating from within the VOID. see Affirmation Mantra. This is a most powerful Magic Mantra in both Hebrew Kabbalah & Sanskrit Tantra, used to manifest in highest rituals
3 Affirmation / Mantra: (1 minute to Infinity)
Ah Nah Yahh TaUn = ענה י’ה טעון . Meaning : {it is} Answered/Given {by} Divine, {it is} Super Charged !
Enjoy the journey and Thrive, Rising in Love.
Love and Blessings. Namaste
Hanna Tantra Coach
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