The invitation: Breath & Speak Love, every word, every breath
Day 13 Practices:
- Love Whispers : (5 minutes up to an hour +)
Whispering blessings & your true heart’s desires directly everywhere on the body.
2. 3rd Eye Activation: ( 1 minute +)
Chant Aum on 3rd Eye, directly on the body, or above in the energy body, if too sensitive.
3. Affirmation / Mantra: (2 minute to Infinity)
Aum Shakti Namaha (Honouring the Feminine Goddess)
Aum Shiva Namaha ( Honouring the Masculine God)
Do share with us your love success email
Enjoy the journey and Thrive, Rising in Love.
Love and Blessings. Namaste
Hanna Tantra Coach
#Love, #Tantra, #Meditation, #Couple, #Relationship, #therapy, #Agape, #chakra, #energy
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