Tantra Gift Of Love !

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Now it is Your Time! Gift yourself the profound gift of life and love!
Empower every aspect of your life
Liberating the joy of being
Experience fun, bliss
Embracing all aspects of your being
Design your life as you choose
Contain more Love in your life
Manifest Abundance in all areas
Transform intimacy
Revive the joy of the soul
Create your Soul-Mate
Rise in Love, A truly transcendent experience.
These are some of the outcomes you will experience and take away.
This day workshop will be an experiential journey & a joyful celebration of life affirming and honouring expression of divine human beings.
We will use Dance, Meditations, Fun exercises, Mantras, Yantras and Mandalas as a doorway to transformation ! The power of creation is in the sound. Mantras are transcendental sounds, producing specific responses in the physical body. Releasing potent creative power to manifest abundance, healing and much more !
Now it is time to embrace honour their gifts and they are our doorway to manifest our hearts desire and purpose here.
Now Is The Only Time for You To Thrive
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