You are the artist playing a rare divine instrument – the beloved.
The invitation:
Paint / Sculpt your God/dess.
Day 4 Practices:
1. Paint on Skin:
Write / paint / draw on the skin, using a finger or water & brush, imprinting. One picture/symbol tells thousands words.
2. Love Letters: (2 minutes +)
Write a love letters, as if courting even if you’ve lived with them for 45 years.
3. Embodied Affirmation: (2 minutes to Infinity)
Touch the palm of the hand, Bring awareness, BEING Touch. It is a selfless act of service (Bhakti). Whisper honouring words: “Om Shakti” (Feminine) / “Om Shiva” (masculine), “You are Divine God/dess”.
4. Affirmation / Mantra: (1 minutes +)
Humme Hum, Braham Hum = One We Are, God We Are
(sing to a tune)
Do share with us your love success email
Enjoy the journey and Thrive, Rising in Love.
Love and Blessings. Namaste
Hanna Tantra Coach