Kabbalah teaches: Curse = 100 Blessing (spelt in reversed)
קללה \ הלל ק” (ק = 100)
Magic Happens with ForGiveNess.

The miracle of for/giving
May you receive all that you wish upon others a 100 fold
May your world reality match your aspirations
May you remember who you really are:
Y/ou/r soul/Neshama is the Divine spark of light.
Surrender & fulfil your purpose with joy & gratitude in your heart
Touch Bliss, Abound, Prosper, Expand
You are perfect, you are important in this existence.
In every moment you have a choice to Dance/Sing/Draw/Play/Create your new “reality” into being
Thank you for your contributions to HumanUnity.
Honour yourSELF/Others as you honour existence as you
Live the Life You Love, Live Out Loud & THRIVE !

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