“Gates of understanding” (“Shearim”), is within. We are Divine Design, hidden in plane view.
You are the one you have been looking for !
We are the connectors between Heaven & Earth.
We are the Tree of Life. impacting ALL.
We are the creators of our existence.
Kabbalah teaches of the gateways within:
Eyes to open & receive divine teachings
Ears to hear sacred whispers, song & teachings.
Nose inhaling Divine essence.
Mouth ingesting the taste of sacred honouring speech etc.
Every aspect of our being, is divinity expressing itself through us. Every little cell, emotion, thoughts etc, is a gateway to Realising / Manifesting our purpose of HumanUnity.
May your being experience bliss beyond the beyond.
May you taste the sweetness and abundance of existence.
Thrive !

Art by Jim Warren

© 2019; Hanna Tantra Katz. All Rights Reserved

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