Fifth Chakra Vishuddha
The Throat Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra, is connected to speaking the truth, healing the masculine aspects and changing Karma. It is the Male positive chakra, and is receptive in females. It represents purity, clarity, truth. Circle. Seed syllable Hang. The color is blue. The throat chakra is associated with the thyroid glands and about our ability to assert ourselves in authentic expression and inspire others with our truth.
Traditionally the chakra is depicted by a white elephant represents the support that brings spiritual fulfillment. It is the centre for spiritual expression and objective view. It is the seat of Karma, cause and effect, in Tantra Kriya yoga. It is also where the father and masculine issues reside.
In Shakta Tantra represented by sixteen smoke colored petals,
each linked with one of the Sanskrit vowels. The centre color
is white, transparent, smoke, or sky-blue. It is associated with
Akasha – Space element, where our connection and ability to
transmit – channel universal knowledge and truth are connected.
Special thanks to Nya Gregor Fleron designed and edit Spiritual Tantric Cookery Book and friendship that spans aeons
Special thanks to Fritz Curzon amazing photography for all my books and friendship that lasts a life time. Joanna Hordern Curzon for friendship and support.
Special thanks to Santiago Nogueira design and graphic for Tantric Honouring Rituals book, Tantric Massage for Lovers book, Secret Chakra Revealed book, Tantirc, Tantric Soul Mate Meditation CD Cover design and Logo.
Special thanks to Kerry-Fleur Schleiferr for Chakra illustrations